Universally, the pandemic has tainted a great many individuals in no less than 190 nations and domains, as per the World Health Organization. As the prompt regulation of the corona virus requires firm proportions of isolation and quarantine, this has disturbed world economy in an uncommon manner. The quick spread of the extraordinary COVID‐19 virus has placed the world in peril and changed the worldwide standpoint surprisingly. This situation isn’t just a worldwide wellbeing crisis yet in addition a critical worldwide financial slump as well. As numerous nations take on severe quarantine arrangements to battle the concealed pandemic, their financial exercises are abruptly closed down. The Indian solar industry can’t save from this crisis at that time.

The effects of the covid-19 on the solar industry have been devastating. The business has never been healthier, and yet now business is at a standstill. Most of these effects can be attributed to the slowdown in demand for solar. However, the destruction caused by the Covid-19 has left a lasting impact on the industry. Many solar panel manufacturing facilities were not able to make the necessary adjustments to their manufacturing processes in time for the corona. This, combined with the sudden and drastic decline in demand, has left many solar panel manufacturing facilities struggling to stay afloat.
The lockdown in the India’s capital and other major cities has had a significant impact on the Indian solar industry. Many solar panel manufacturing facilities have been forced to close because of the lockdown, and this has had a significant impact on the supply of mounting structure and other materials used in the manufacturing of solar panels. The pandemic has also caused supply chains to be disrupted, which has in turn has had a significant impact on the national economy.
Covid-19 has also impacted the mounting structure market, which is used to hold solar panels in place on roofs. Because of the pandemic, there has been a shortage of material that is used in the manufacturing of solar panels. This shortage has caused prices of mounting structure to increase. This increase in the price of mounting structure has caused the market to shrink. This is expected to continue to happen over the next few years because of the shortage of material.
In present time, with the help of an Indian government, a new sense of responsibility, and the assistance of industry leaders, the solar industry will be able to rebound from the effect of corona on market. The industry will be faced with a new set of challenges, but with the right government policies in place, the solar panel mounting industry will be able to overcome these challenges and continue its steady growth. The future looks promising for the solar industry, but it will take time for the business to fully recover. Industry can now look forward to a new phase of growth.